Natalie Findlay is always good value live. You know what you’re going to get, and each time you get it, it’s rawer and sexier, the vocals are searing and the attitude is biting. Tonight, she’s performing at Zanzibar as part of LIVERPOOL SOUND CITY 2014, and you couldn’t ask for a better venue for this 150% performer – a pokey bar with great character and a low stage. Thanks to a perfect set time of just past midnight on a Friday night, we’re all packed tightly in here, already sweating and ready to take on the live wire that is FINDLAY.
The band explodes on to the stage and all credit to them that they don’t let up for the entire set. Natalie demonstrates her incredible vocals, closing her eyes and singing as if for her life. The crowd stand inches from the mic, screaming along with her, practically eye to eye throughout. The energy burning off her is so fierce that you’d be well advised to skip her gaze, because when it lands, it’s piercing to say the least.
You’d be hard pushed to find an angrier front-singer these days, but you just know it’s part of her charm. “Anyone here in love?” she asks… fortunately nobody responds, as she pipes, “Congratulations! It’s never gonna last!” Faces in the crowd grow slightly pale, as I giggle at her dryness. Those who haven’t seen her before have jaws dropped throughout most of the intimately staged show.
She moves well with her male counterparts – they know who’s boss – and the sound is perfect. We saw Findlay last year at the same festival smashing a larger stage, yet this is the show that will stay with me.